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What Tasks/Areas Can Be Outsourced in a SaaS Business Marketing?

The key marketing tasks that SaaS companies can outsource include

  • Search engine optimization and marketing (SEO and SEM)
  • Content creation and marketing
  • Strategy ideation and implementation
  • Social media marketing
  • Paid advertising
  • Graphics design and creation
  • Analytics and reporting
  • Troubleshooting and support
  • Outsourcing administrative tasks

Outsourcing marketing tasks efficiently takes more than just eagerness to do so. Before anything else, you need to decide for yourself what areas of your marketing activities you need assistance in, and this is not always straightforward.

There are so many tasks to choose from, you may not even think that outsourcing them is not only possible but also well-advised. In this article, we’re looking to navigate you through the marketing tasks that you can outsource, so your selection process goes far smoother.

SaaS marketing tasks you can outsource

1. Search engine optimization and marketing (SEO and SEM)

You can successfully negotiate the confusing maze of Google changes and attract that oh-so-delicious organic traffic if you have a seasoned SEO specialist on your side. And it’s not just about sheer traffic volume, there are other important things you can improve like your click-through rate (CTR), for example. Regardless, SEO is undoubtedly one of the pillars of digital marketing and requires professional care.

Tasks you can outsource:

  • Link building
  • Keyword research
  • Search engine update optimization
  • Competitors analysis
  • Meta tag optimization
  • Directory listing and aggregator submission


2. Content creation and marketing

People are constantly looking for information that is relevant to their wants and needs. So it’s no big surprise that great content will help increase the number of your website visitors and raise your search rankings, with a big emphasis on the “great” part. Not all forms of content will produce results, as Google has very high requirements for what classifies as good content. That’s why you would benefit from professional help not only in writing that content, but promoting it as well.

Tasks you can outsource:

  • Content plan creation
  • Content specification development
  • SEO Copywriting
  • Proofreading
  • Guest posting


3. Strategy ideation and implementation

No marketing activity can reach its full potential without a proper strategy, where it’s organically fitting into one big harmonious system, and with a clear goal in mind. Developing and executing these strategies requires great expertise, and you’d be well advised to outsource marketing to people who possess said expertise. For instance, you may have clear SEO goals, but you need a strategy to align your SEO and business goals.

Tasks you can outsource:

  • Monthly, quarterly and yearly plan creation
  • Competition analysis
  • Content strategy creation
  • Brainstorming new ideas
  • Developing an implementation plan


4. Social media marketing

Some time ago, only the leading firms were employing social media as part of their marketing plan. But nowadays, being active on social media as a business isn’t just a thing for the big shots – it’s practically a must for everyone. Therefore, if you want to start attracting more relevant leads, you may need someone with experience in social media marketing working with you to make it happen.

Tasks you can outsource:

  • Keeping track of a brand’s reputation
  • Addressing questions from potential clients
  • Making relevant posts on a regular basis
  • Analyzing visitor data
  • Analyzing competitors
  • Creating fresh outreach tactics


5. Paid advertising

PPC advertising is a vital part of any digital marketing plan, and when done right, it can provide a quick return on investment. And trusting your paid ads to professionals seems like a no-brainer when so many high-quality leads are just around the corner. There’s no need to wait for Google’s web crawlers to begin advancing your website – outsource paid marketing and reap the benefits. 

Tasks you can outsource:

  • Projections of PPC ad costs and ROI
  • Research on demographics
  • Platform analysis (Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)
  • Advice on improving copy and images
  • Planning a budget
  • Keyword analysis


6. Graphics design and creation

Many graphics designers are used to selling their services via freelancing, so hiring and managing such an independent contractor should be a smooth process. On top of that, the majority of design assignments tend to have a clearly defined scope, which means that the designer is unlikely to misinterpret a task.

Tasks you can outsource:

  • Making header pictures for blog posts
  • Creating PPC ad graphics
  • Transforming lead magnets into easy-to-download PDF files
  • Redesigning specific sections or the entirety of your website
  • Making banner ads
  • Making your pages’ pictures more polished and optimized


7. Analytics and reporting

They say, what gets measured, gets improved – and that’s where analytics and reporting come into play. By working closely with a qualified analytics expert, you may evaluate the effectiveness of your website, your marketing tools, and ultimately your ability to draw in and retain clients. And with great reports that the specialist will provide, you’ll be able to track changes in vital KPIs over time.

Tasks you can outsource:

  • Tracking key engagement metrics with your website and other marketing assets
  • Monitoring and analyzing traffic and lead trends
  • Compiling intuitive and rich-in-detail reports on a regular basis
  • Leveraging data to come up with new strategies


8. Troubleshooting and support

Even if it might not be the first thing that people think of when considering outsourcing, it’s unquestionably one of the most crucial. This is due to the fact that quality assurance and timely troubleshooting serve as your safety net. Nobody wants to have their website pages malfunctioning or paid ad campaigns not running properly during a critical period. So keep calm and outsource marketing support. 

Tasks you can outsource:

  • Website technical health monitoring
  • Website migration support
  • Paid ad campaign maintenance
  • Email marketing campaign maintenance


9. Outsourcing administrative tasks

A separate, but nonetheless vital block of tasks is the one that is related to the nitty-gritty administrative things. Sometimes, when you have to handle so many marketing activities at the same time, you feel like you could use an extra pair of competent hands just to optimize and streamline important processes. For that purpose, you can always hire an outside marketing manager/coordinator.

Tasks you can outsource:

  • Document/deliverable management
  • Inter-department communication
  • Project management



Digital marketing has now reached a state where there are just so many activities to choose from, and it’s usually best, of course, if you tackle all of its numerous aspects. However, doing so very often proves to be very difficult – and this is where you should consider outsourcing some of the workloads to a dedicated team of experts.

And whether it’s search engine optimization, paid ad setup, content writing, strategy creation, or troubleshooting, it’s all up to you – go for whichever you feel you lack expertise in and see how important work does itself.

About the author

Nadya combines the roles of our in-house marketing professional and a key clients' CSM with ease and perfection.

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Step 1 of 4

  • What is your business biggest demand right now?